Patient Financial Services

Thank you for choosing Memorial Hospital of Carbon County for your health care needs. Our goal is to provide exceptional service to our patients! This mission extends to Patient Financial Services, where our staff is happy to help you understand any questions you may have regarding your bill.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to manage the costs of your services. The information on this page is intended to help you better understand our billing process, payment options, and the financial assistance that Memorial Hospital of Carbon County offers to qualified individuals.

Business Office Information:

Except Holidays
6:30am – 5:30pm

Good Faith Estimate

 You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost 

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. 

• You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees. 

• Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least one business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service. 

• If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. 

• Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate 

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call (307) 324-2221. 


The Good Faith Estimate shows the costs of items and services that are reasonably expected for your health care needs for an item or service. The estimate is based on information known at the time the estimate was created. 

The Good Faith Estimate does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment. You could be charged more if complications or special circumstances occur. If this happens, federal law allows you to dispute (appeal) the bill. 

If you are billed for more than this Good Faith Estimate, you have the right to dispute the bill. 

You may contact the health care provider or facility listed to let them know the billed charges are higher than the Good Faith Estimate. You can ask them to update the bill to match the Good Faith Estimate, ask to negotiate the bill or ask if there is financial assistance available. 

You may also start a dispute resolution process with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If you choose to use the dispute resolution process, you must start the dispute process within 120 calendar days (about 4 months) of the date on the original bill. 

There is a $25 fee to use the dispute process. If the agency reviewing your dispute agrees with you, you will have to pay the price on this Good Faith Estimate. If the agency disagrees with you and agrees with the health care provider or facility, you will have to pay the higher amount. 

To learn more and get a form to start the process, go to or call (307) 324-2221

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate or the dispute process, visit or call (307) 324-2221 

Keep a copy of this Good Faith Estimate in a safe place or take pictures of it. You may need it if you are billed a higher amount 

The Billing Process

The billing process starts when you pro­vide your insur­ance and demo­graph­ic infor­ma­tion at the time of reg­is­tra­tion. Please make sure you have pro­vid­ed the Admission Clerk with your most cur­rent insur­ance information.

The charges applied to your account are cod­ed based on the physi­cian order and chart documentation.

As a cour­tesy, Memorial Hospital of Carbon County will sub­mit claims direct­ly to your insur­ance com­pa­ny. Memorial Hospital of Carbon County will work with you and your insur­ance com­pa­ny to resolve any issues that may arise. If you have more than one plan Memorial Hospital of Carbon County will also bill your secondary/​tertiary insurance.

Once your insur­ance has processed a claim they will send you an Expla­na­tion of Ben­e­fits (EOB) inform­ing you of our charges, their pay­ment amount and the amount for which you are respon­si­ble. Memorial Hospital of Carbon County will also receive an EOB and/​or pay­ment from your insur­ance company.

Patient State­ments — If you are unin­sured or have a patient bal­ance after an insur­ance pay­ment or denial you will receive a state­ment from our billing agency (Clear Health Finan­cial Solu­tion — CHFS). THIS IS NOT A COL­LEC­TION AGENCY.

Your accounts will be con­sid­ered resolved once we have received full pay­ment. If you are unin­sured, under­in­sured or hav­ing finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ty, please con­tact our Finan­cial Coun­selor at 307-324-8294 to dis­cuss pay­ment plans or finan­cial assis­tance that may be available.

Bill Pay Options

Memorial Hospital is committed to providing a variety of financial options to assist our patients with paying their self-pay balances.  As part of your overall care plan, our team will work with you prior to your scheduled procedure to help determine what your self-pay balance will be.  We will also provide information to help you explore your payment options, including zero percent loans, financial assistance, and discounts for paying in full.  We invite you call the MHCC Business Office at 307-324-8294 to learn more!

Financial Assistance

A program designed to assist patients who may not have the ability to pay their hospital bills. 

Financial Assistance Questions?

Please contact Felicia Kimble at 307-324-8300.

Insurance Guide

With the changes occur­ring in health­care and insur­ance, it can be tricky and dif­fi­cult to under­stand. Here are a few high-lev­el tips and expla­na­tions of com­mon­ly used ter­mi­nol­o­gy that you will come across dur­ing this process.

Fil­ing a claim:
After you receive treat­ment your doc­tor or care provider sub­mits a bill for pay­ment to your insur­ance com­pa­ny. When the bill is sent to your insur­ance com­pa­ny it is called a claim. The insur­ance com­pa­ny reviews the claim and process­es it. Once your insur­ance com­pa­ny receives the prop­er paper­work they deter­mine whether or not the ser­vices you received are cov­ered by your pol­i­cy, how much of the cost will be paid to the doc­tor by the insur­ance com­pa­ny and how much you will pay. In a worst-case sce­nario, they deny your claim entirely.

Denial of claim:
A denial of your insur­ance claim can result when you receive ser­vices that are not cov­ered by your insur­ance pol­i­cy. You should review your pol­i­cy and under­stand the lim­i­ta­tions of your pol­i­cy before receiv­ing med­ical treat­ment. This is essen­tial for elec­tive, non-emer­gent pro­ce­dures. If your ser­vices are not cov­ered by your insur­ance this will result in a high­er out-of-pock­et expense for you.

If you are a mem­ber of an HMO (Health Main­te­nance Orga­ni­za­tion) you are required to receive approval for the med­ical pro­ce­dure and to pay your por­tion of the bill, your co-pay­ment, before you receive the care. Denial of ser­vice for you, as an HMO sub­scriber, means that you are denied approval for a med­ical pro­ce­dure that you want or feel that you need.

A denial of your claim either results in you not being reim­bursed or being billed for the por­tion of your bill that remains unpaid.

Com­mon rea­sons your claim can be denied:
The insur­ance forms were filled out improp­er­ly. Make sure the insur­ance infor­ma­tion you sub­mit to your health care provider is accu­rate and timely.
The claim was not sub­mit­ted in a time­ly man­ner. It is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure your health care provider has the cor­rect insur­ance infor­ma­tion at the time of ser­vices. Your insur­ance com­pa­ny places a time lim­it on accept­ing your claim. If your claim is filed after the dead­line, it could be denied. It is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to know your insur­ance com­pa­ny’s require­ments and to meet them.

Your treat­ment was exclud­ed, per the terms of your pol­i­cy. Every health insur­ance pol­i­cy con­tains some treat­ments that are exclud­ed. Again, it is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to know the rules of your pol­i­cy, as you will bear full finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty if you receive treat­ment that is not cov­ered. Check with your insur­ance provider pri­or to treat­ment to ensure you are covered.

You received treat­ment with­out prop­er approval and autho­riza­tion. Make sure that you obtain prop­er approval and per­mis­sion when­ev­er it is required. Con­tact your insur­ance com­pa­ny for more infor­ma­tion about pre-authorization.

Insurance Tips

  1. Know your pol­i­cy: Insur­ance cov­er­age varies from pol­i­cy to pol­i­cy. It is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to know which kind of med­ical pro­ce­dures and treat­ments are cov­ered under your plan. Some poli­cies require that treat­ments be lim­it­ed to strict guide­lines. Insur­ance pol­i­cy deductibles can vary
    with­in your pol­i­cy depend­ing on the kind of treat­ment you seek and/​or the treat­ment you received. If you have any ques­tions con­cern­ing with­er a por­tion of your care is cov­ered, your deductible and/​or any oth­er cov­er­age options please con­tact your insur­ance com­pa­ny.
  2. Check with your insur­ance provider before treat­ment: It can be very con­fus­ing to know exact­ly how your cov­er­age applies. Check with your health­care provider to get an accu­rate descrip­tion of the care you are seek­ing. Then con­tact your insur­ance provider to see how much of your treat­ment they will cov­er and how much you will be respon­si­ble for. Obtain­ing this infor­ma­tion before your pro­ce­dure will pro­tect you from unex­pect­ed costs and denied claims.
  3. Keep excel­lent records: Keep detailed records of con­ver­sa­tions with your insur­ance com­pa­ny or health­care provider. Note the day and time of the call and the name of the per­son with whom you speak. Keep all writ­ten records whether it is paper­work that you receive in the mail or paper­work that is giv­en to you dur­ing an office vis­it. The more detailed your records the eas­i­er your insur­ance com­pa­ny and/​or health­care provider can resolve any issues.
  4. If you have man­aged care cov­er­age, know which providers are ​“in-net­work”: When a provider is out­side of your insur­ance’s con­tract­ed net­work you can be left with a high­er out-of-pock­et expense. Ver­i­fy that the facil­i­ty and the physi­cians are in-net­work with your insur­ance. There are cas­es where the facil­i­ty is in-net­work but the indi­vid­ual physi­cian is not.
  5. Fol­low up: If you are respon­si­ble for fil­ing paper­work with your insur­ance provider you should ensure that your cor­re­spon­dence is received and processed in their sys­tem. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, you are the one who suf­fers if your paper­work was lost in the shuf­fle. Con­tact your insur­ance com­pa­ny to con­firm that your paper­work was received and is being processed.

Insurance Terms

After pay­ment has been made a provider will typ­i­cal­ly receive an Expla­na­tion of Ben­e­fits (EOB)along with the pay­ment from the insur­ance com­pa­ny that out­lines these trans­ac­tions.

Below is a list of com­mon­ly used billing terms and their def­i­n­i­tions.

Billing state­ment — A sum­ma­ry of patient account activ­i­ty that is sent to patients or guardians updat­ing them regard­ing the sta­tus of a claim.

Claim — Infor­ma­tion billed to the insur­ance com­pa­ny for ser­vices pro­vid­ed to the patient.

Con­trac­tu­al write-off/ad­just­ment — The dif­fer­ence between the insur­ance con­tract­ed amount with the health care provider and the actu­al amount of the charge.

Co-pay­ment (patient respon­si­bil­i­ty) — The fee per vis­it paid by the patient or fam­i­ly for health care ser­vices. This amount is deter­mined by your med­ical insur­ance pol­i­cy.

Co-insur­ance (patient respon­si­bil­i­ty) — The por­tion (in per­cent) paid by the patient or fam­i­ly for health care ser­vices as deter­mined by your med­ical insur­ance pol­i­cy. If your pol­i­cy offers an 80⁄20 split, once your deductible has been met, your insur­ance will pay 80% of the charges and you will be respon­si­ble for the oth­er 20%.

Deductible (patient respon­si­bil­i­ty) — The amount that the patient or fam­i­ly must pay toward health care ser­vices before the insur­ance pol­i­cy begins mak­ing pay­ments. The insur­ance pol­i­cy sets this amount; usu­al­ly, the amount is per cal­en­dar year.

Demo­graph­ics — Patient/​guarantor/​subscriber legal name, gen­der, birth date, address, phone num­ber and employ­er infor­ma­tion.

Expla­na­tion of Ben­e­fits (EOB) — A detailed expla­na­tion from the insur­ance com­pa­ny of the med­ical ser­vices pro­vid­ed to the patient by the health­care provider.

Finan­cial assis­tance — Adjust­ments made for qual­i­fied respon­si­ble par­ties, based on finan­cial assis­tance appli­ca­tions and estab­lished finan­cial guide­lines.

Guar­an­tor — The legal guardian of the patient who is usu­al­ly under 18.

Refer­ring physi­cian — The physi­cian who referred the patient to the attend­ing provider or referred the patient to the facil­i­ty for test­ing.

Pay­ment arrange­ments — A for­mal pay­ment plan set up when the bal­ance due can­not be entire­ly paid by the due date.

Pay­or — An enti­ty, whether com­mer­cial or gov­ern­ment, that pays med­ical claims.

Pri­ma­ry care physi­cian (PCP) — The provider who is con­sid­ered your gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er. Often they are your nor­mal provider who treats your day to day ill­ness­es or check­ups.

Pri­or authorization/​precertification — A for­mal approval obtained from the insur­ance com­pa­ny pri­or to deliv­ery of med­ical ser­vices. Many insur­ance com­pa­nies require pri­or autho­riza­tion or pre­cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for spe­cif­ic med­ical services.

Billing Questions

Questions about hospital and clinic bills can be directed to the MHCC Business Office at 307-324-8280.  One of our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you!